Hard Work is Passe. Smart Thinking is In...
Insider reveals 5 quick, slick & Zero-cost 'Secret Techniques' That Earns Him as Much as $13,150 for Just 2 Hours Of Smart Work!
Internet Marketing Is All About Quick, Easy Cash
And Project Quick Cash Is Going To Prove Just That...
From The Desk Of: Alok Jain
Date: August 15, 2008
Dear Friend,
It happened one fine Sunday evening about 5 months back. Jack & Henry hit the poolside bar at the same time. Both of them had just attended an underground Internet Marketing seminar. All Jack wanted was a relaxing drink. He didn't have the faintest idea of what was coming...
Over drinks, they struck a conversation about their Internet Marketing ventures. Jack revealed that he was a part time Internet Marketer and was making about $300 a week. He was fairly happy with his earnings, as it supplemented his day job income.
"That's good. So have you thought about going full time?", asked Henry.
"Can't afford it mate. I put in 5 hours a day on my online efforts. Even if I go full time, I will earn about 2500 bucks a month. That ain't enough", replied Jack.
Henry was shocked....
He had been a full time Internet Marketer for 3 years, and never put in more than 4 hours a day. Yet, his last month's earning was a handsome $23,000. He knew that Jack had got it all wrong. Curiosity got the best of him and Henry decided to explore a bit...
He said: "I don't mean to be rude, but that's a lot of hours for too little money. If you don't mind me asking, what is it that you do online?"
"You know, the standard stuff - write articles, create blogs, a bit of PPC, some squeeze pages. Just about everything that everyone else is doing", replied Jack.
Henry got the picture. He immediately knew that Jack had succumbed to the popular, yet wrong, notion about Internet Marketing. Being a retired Lecturer from a Community College (he retired at 38), Henry felt the urge to tell Jack what he was doing wrong, just as he would with a misled student...
"You are treading the wrong path, buddy...."
"Internet Marketing is not about hard work. 5 hours a day can earn you a lot more. It's all about smart thinking. You are right that everyone else is doing the same stuff as you; but that's not the smart way to do it", said Henry.
Jack was flabbergasted. He had thought that he knew everything about making money online. But what Henry just said sent a chill down his spine.
He said: "I am not sure what you mean. What else can I possibly do to make more money in the same time? I have tried my hands at everything"
And Henry told Jack....
He shared just one of his smart techniques that makes him over $200 a day for just 30 minutes of work.
Realization dawned... "WHAT! I feel like such a fool. You must be kidding me...", replied Jack.
But Henry wasn't kidding. What he shared with Jack was just one of the slick techniques used by a small group of very smart Internet Marketers. These are people who know that Internet Marketing is not about hard work. They know that, in Internet Marketing, your earnings don't depend on the amount of time or effort you put in. This group of people don't believe in writing articles, or creating squeeze pages, or SEO, or spending a fortune on PPC, or any of that jazz that require a lot of time and money. Yet, they make lot more money than that of many Jacks' combined.
"Sorry to butt in, but Henry's not kidding, Jack. I have used this technique myself and it works like a charm", I said...
YES, I was sitting right there....
I was sitting at the same poolside bar. Just two seats away from Jack. And I did overhear their entire conversation (yeah, yeah.. I know it's rude).
It was that fine Sunday evening when Project Quick Cash was born. I realized that the Internet Marketing industry is full of Jacks. Almost every newcomer is forced to tread the same path as Jack's. And what lies ahead is... disappointment! Too much work for too little money.
I knew, at that very moment, what the Internet Marketing industry needs. Someone needs to write an ebook about these smart, underground, devoid-of-hard-work and zero/low cost methods to make steady profits online. And I decided - that someone will be me.
 | Project Quick Cash is a collection of 5 quick, slick, devoid-of-hard-work, zero/low cost methods to make healthy profits on the Internet. Each of these 5 techniques can be implemented in under an hour. No technical skills required. The methods have been described in an easy to understand, step by step format. You can get started right away.
Discover The Tricks That Separate
The Success Stories From The Failures.
Find Out What Makes Them Tick...
Do you know that over 95% of wannabe Internet Marketers fail to make a single buck online? I have been a full time Internet Marketer for over 4 years. I have conducted many coaching sessions and interacted with various newcomers. And through my experience, I have realized why most people fail to make money on the Internet.
The Answer Is In Front Of Us....
Many good Internet Marketing products have been launched in recent times. The techniques they talk about definitely work, I can vouch for that. BUT... most of them suffer from one major problem. They require you to work hard - write a dozen articles, create squeeze pages, spend a fortune on PPC, make unlimited Web 2.0 submissions, optimize your websites for search engines, do all kinds of technical stuff, etc etc etc...
Well, all this does work. But no one has the time and money to implement any of these techniques. The rigors of today's life does not permit newcomers to devote the kind of time and investment required by these techniques.
The Result Is Always The Same....
Failure! You feel great about owning an awesome product and learning something useful. But you never find the time to implement it. Somewhere between your day job and your family life, you realize that you can't afford to put in the long hours of hard work required by most of these techniques. And you give up. You become a part of the 95% that fail to make any money online.
So How Do The Other 5% Succeed....
In a nutshell - they work smart! They know quick, easy and zero/low cost ways to make money online. Techniques that can be implemented in under 30 minutes. And yet earn them massive sums of money every day. These are techniques that no one talks about. Everyone guards them like a precious treasure.
This group of people know that, in Internet Marketing, earnings do not depend on how many hours of work you put in. They know that it's not about hard work, but all about smart thinking.
And Now,
You Can Do It Too....
That's right! With Project Quick Cash, you can become one of them. Project Quick Cash will arm you with 5 such smart techniques that a very small group of people have been using to rake in thousands of dollars every month. All for very little work and investment.
I have personally used each and every method described in the ebook with great success. All the methods can be implemented in under an hour. Most are zero cost techniques and the others require very little investment.
Project Quick Cash is the answer. It's your ticket to online riches...